::April 2018::
Winner of First Prize at ANSYS Discovery Live Competition
Fire Safety Assessment - Office building Nikolaiplatz, Graz
Office building at Nikolaiplatz, Graz
The office building at Nikolaiplatz, Graz, designed by architect Thomas Pucher,and Peter Mandl GmbH, exhibits a facade consisting of alternating glass windows and facility spaces. The load bearing structure is a steel frame with dependent floor slabs. To assess the fire safety of the steel frames, we carried out a CFD simulation. It revealed the regions where fire protective coating is necessary and where it can be reduced to a considerable amount.
Streamlines and temperature sections at a time of 27 min after initiation of a fire emergency..
Detailed analysis of the temperature evolution over a time frame of 90 min in certain critical points helped to understand the behavior of the structure in case of an emergency situation.
Temperatur evolution over time measured at a critical point in one of the steel beams.
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