TopOpt is a userfriendly software for topology optimization. The user only needs to specify loads and constraints. Based on this information, the software employs evolutionary principles to identify the optimal load bearing structure. The resulting structures can be exported as a 3D model.
The software is ideal for the development of lightweight structures. It can also be very useful in teaching to facilitate innovative structural design.
- 2D and 3D topology optimization
- Export as 3D models (in .obj format)
- high performance parallel implementation for fast results (implicit and explit finite element solvers are tuned to utilize all available processor cores)
- Industrial/commercial license (includes one year of technical support): € 4800.-
- Academic single license: € 2600.-
- Academic classroom license (40 seats): € 5600.-
To buy the software, please contact us at

Fluid dynamical effects can be of great importance in architectural applications. They can be utilized for the development of ecological designs (passive ventilation). Furthermore, safety of pedestrians in high velocity regions can be of great concern and should be assessed during the planning stage.
FluidSim is a near realtime CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulator. Hence, it gives immediate feedback of fluid dynamical effects. This is a huge advantage over standard engineering software (which allows to view the results only at the end of a time consuming simulation). Consequently, FluidSim can accelerate the feedback loop in innovative ecological design.
The software can import 2D geometries and analyzes their aerodynamic behavior under varying boundary conditions. It is particulary useful for ecological assessment of urban design (design of passive ventilation) and for the analysis of flow patterns in large scale urban assemblies.

- high performance for near realtime simulation of unsteady flow phenomena of compressible media
- precision (solution of Navier Stokes equations)
- import of DXF geometries
- analysis results: streamlines, flow vectors, velocity countours
- Industrial/commercial license (includes one year of technical support): € 1100.-
- Adacemic single license: € 650.-
- Academic classroom license (40 seats): € 2200.-
To buy the software, please contact us at
